Shopping Spree

I do not look anything like this model, but it still fit decently and I liked the colour. Along with a black tankini, I'll be fine in the water & while sunbathing.
The unfortunate thing about gaining weight is that you end up not having as many clothes to wear as you used to. A lot of my favorite skirts have gotten a bit tight. And there's some things I just can't wear. With having my honeymoon beginning on Sunday, I thought that it might be time to buy a few things to have to wear that I'll be comfortable in. So I went shopping.
I had already purchased one dress from Next, but I wanted a few more things. And boy did I find them. I ended up at Debenhams, which is one of my fav stores. It's similar to Macy's in a way, having many labels under it's roof. It was a bit overwhelming, as usually I'm only looking for one thing...this time I was on a major hunt. And a hunt it was. I began shopping around 1:45pm and finished around 3:30pm. For me, that's a huge day of shopping. I found two more cute dresses, a few tops, two pairs of capris and something to wear to the beach. And it wasn't super expensive cause I went for things either on sale or from less expensive labels. Here's one of the dresses I found:

I'm hoping that some of them will become too big for me by the end of the summer...and that, due to their cut, I could use them eventually if I was preggers during warmer months. Either way, though, I didn't want to spend too much.
I've also found a bikini. I ordered one from swimhut. It's quite pretty!

The thing that is very cool...R was actually happy with my purchases. He saw that I needed a few things, that they are 'flexible' and he was happy for me. He didn't give me a hard time for spending my own money, cause he knows that I don't spend carelessly. It's a good feeling to be trusted...
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