23 October 2007


Last night we switched from our patchwork quilt to our duvet. Much warmer and snugglier. I loved getting under the poofy cotton and feeling enveloped in the heat.

Today as I was walking out the door, I thought to myself, "I ought to have switched to my wool jacket and I need to find my gloves". I usually wear a nice knee length rain jacket (it's a lovely looking jacket - not athletic looking or shiny).

There's a touch of frost in the air. And I brought a thick fleece to wear to field hockey practice.

It's definitely hinting at winter.

And yet, last night, as I walked home along a lovely suburban road, I saw roses still blooming and green grass. It's one of the interesting things about London weather - we feel like winter is coming along and yet throughout the entire process we'll still be surrounded by green and colours. A funky paradox for someone who came over here from a place where it tends to snow in December.

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