04 January 2007


What have you learned lately? Do you use your brain regularly? It's something that I thought about recently...what do I do that 'works out' my brain?

I have one kid I work with who doesn't see the point in school. She's not loving her classes, her friends are usually unhappy & she doesn't like that...basically there's not much going on that is positive in her life. And so she's moving onward in a negative light. But her question about why is school important was interesting to me. I know that I didn't take as much advantage of high school and college as I could have. There's a lot of interesting things you can learn. But it's not all fun and so, what's the point? But to 'work out' your brain is a good thing. Even if it's not something you want to use later in life, your brain still benefits from learning new things.

So this year I'd like to learn a few new things. Perhaps I'll learn some Hindi so I can talk to my future inlaws in their native language. Maybe I'll learn new words and become better at crosswords. I don't know quite yet what I'll learn, but I think as I age, that I really need to challenge myself to think and remain flexible in thought.

So...what's one thing you'd like to learn this year?

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