14 March 2006

Out of order

If you walked into my office, you would never think that there is even a touch of a tendency in me of being anal. I have piles of papers everywhere. I am definitely not a neat freak. The same would apply if you checked out my flat on a normal day...while most things are in their place, you will find a layer of dust somewhere as well as a shoe here and there. But then you might look into my closet and gasp. Here is where L. hides her little secret. Yes, she does have some anal qualities...and they are hidden in the closet (not THAT closet but the one outside my bedroom). Yes, I must have my closet in a particular order to feel one with the world. My jackets/coats are hung on the far left side, from heavier to lighter, darker to lighter...then next come the skirts, again ordered by colour as well as length...followed by trousers...then dresses and finally any sort of costumy thing I might own that I hang up. All in colour and heaviness order. As I’m now living between two flats, rushing home only to put things away and to drop stuff off, you can imagine that my closet is in a bit of disarray...and my space at R’s flat is not quite big enough for too much order (though it is being imposed). I feel that my closet tends to reflect how things are going for me...and since my life is not very ordered right now (or at least it doesn’t feel that way) then neither is my closet. And I’m sad about that, cause a nice looking closet makes me happy (as well as makes my life easier in the morning). So...I think part of spring break (in 3 weeks folks!) will be spent getting my life back into order. And funnily enough, R. said that he wanted to get things back to normal at his flat again...that it was getting to be too much of a mess...ah, shared order. Life is good!

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