22 March 2006

Meet me...

I just read about a group that's begun in Boston. www.thelunchclub.com. The goal of the lunch club is to make new friends. And what a great idea. I don't know if you know it until you actually get there, but it's tougher to make friends in your 30s than it was when you were younger. So many of us move away from our hometowns, lose touch with old friends or may, like me, move very far away to a place where no one you know lives. And how do you make friends? How do you even meet people? Heck, it's tough enough to date, but "friending" is even harder! So a club to meet people sounds great...go out to lunch, go for a drink, and there are a bunch of people all wanted to meet someone else for friendship reasons. I've joined field hockey & cricket clubs so I do meet people...but there are so many 20, 30-somethings who don't have that connection and London can be tough for them. It's hard to be surrounded by people and have no one to talk to. Perhaps this is an idea for someone to try here...in such a multicultural city it might be kinda fun!

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