19 July 2006

Yo! Get off the set!

I saw Tim Allen. Yes, that Tim Allen.

My mom asked R and me if we'd like to go to this funky little town in New Mexico, just north of Sante Fe. It sounded as if it was a cool artist town. So, we decided to go...particularly as my mom told me that there was a great jewelry store! (I don't wear a ton but love it anyway).

We took off around 10:30am and drove to Madred. Very nice backroads through the mountains. Once we got there, we parked and walked straight to the jewelry store. This rough looking guy drove right by me on a motorcycle and then drove by again. Thought it was odd...but then again, we were in a funky sort of town. To our dismay, the store was closed. Sigh. We then continued to walk on. Hmmm...a chili festival was going on? The storefronts said one thing but the stores were something else? What was going on? And then we remembered...they were doing some filming here. And that same guy drove by me...it was TIME ALLEN. How cool. Unfortunately I did not have my camera up and ready as we were then politely asked to move away from the 'set'. So we ended up having lunch in the local pub/restaurant (very yummy Bison burgers).

So that's it. My brush with 'fame'. Not such a great deal...but it was still an unexpected thing, which makes it much more fun in my memory!

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