I'm sore and I'm knackered*. It's not something I expected during my summer holidays (well...maybe for one reason), but it's here. The culprits? Working out pretty hard on this weekend on the cross trainer and lifting weights (I'm getting there). Playing 30 overs of cricket on the pitch - against a team that was hitting my way (or near my way) almost every over. Doing housework. Emptying the fridge-freezer as they seem to be on the fritz. Doing school work. Oy.
The cricket was fun though tiring...and kinda disappointing. For those of you who have no idea what cricket is, check out the Wikipedia description. If you'd like a more technical explaination or want to really understand the game, here's a great website that explains it all in terms that are truly understandable (I think it's an American website, which does help at times). Now, my position is called 'Deep Square Leg'. It's easiest to think of it as outfield. I have been put there because I'm relatively mobile (for my age) and have a decent arm (thank you softball catching!). Here's a picture of the pitch so you can get an idea (note they are describing all the different positions...you only have 11 on the pitch at one time):

The bowler (which I will never, ever, hope to God, be) is like the pitcher...but it's all different than baseball though somewhat similar too. I love explaining cricket...so if anyone is ever interested, I take them to a game and just help them get the general idea.
So, I played between Deep Square and Deep mid, depending on the bowler and batter. And I RAN MY TOOSH OFF. Many sprints were done during those 30 overs. Way too many for my old butt. I felt I did well though. But batting was a different story. I got bowled out and ought not to have. I have lost my touch and I'm sad about it. Hopefully training tomorrow will include a lot of batting as I NEED help!
* Knackered - what we Americans would call extremely tired, exhausted. It's one of my favorite Brit words. Come on, you know it's great!
So, what will I do with the rest of the day? Probably a bit more school stuff, clean more of the fridge out (left a few things that I thought wouldn't go bad too quickly) and figure out dinner. Oh, the exciting life of a teacher on summer holiday.
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