05 September 2006


Last night R. and I were in the mood for a bit of spice. To his disappointment, my desire was for spicy food, not a spicy evening (though I can tell you he wasn't complaining by sleep time!). So we went to the shop and got the ingredients for a spicy pasta...

Plum tomatoes
Tomato puree
Chopped tomato with garlic in the tin

Those were the base of the tomato sauce. Into this I added some pan sauted garlic and onions that had become quite translucent. And then the kicker...thin slices of chorizo that had been pan friend with mushrooms and red pepper. Mmmmm....it adds a nice touch of 'kick' to an otherwise bland dish.

We made up some penne which soaked up the sauce. The veg was still dente and the meat tasted a touch smokey. All in all it was heaven on a plate.

Hmmm...now what to have for dinner tonight?

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