01 September 2006

How to start your day off right

1. Wake up on time, almost without the alarm, because you actually slept well.

2. Turn and see a cutie pie in the bed next to you, all cuddled up with the blanket and head smooshed into the pillow right next to you.

3. Have cereal with fresh milk that your honey bought last night because he felt the 'old' milk just wasn't right.

4. Find an outfit that looks really good and earrings that you haven't worn in ages that are wonderful & were forgotten.

5. Return to the bedroom to say 'goodbye' to the sweetie and have him turn to look at you and say, "Wow. Phewarrrr...You look gorgeous. They don't deserve you at work. Wanna call in sick?". Hee!

6. Walk out the door to get the bus (cause you're actually running early & the train is running late) and realize - IT'S FRIDAY!!!

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