I went to a wedding this weekend and this is what I wore. So happy to get the experience of wearing a hat to a wedding.
It was a typical English wedding in a gorgeous old church, with the bells ringing like crazy. There were about 7 or 8 people who were in charge of these bells and they made quite a happy noise. The ceremony was lovely - not too long, not too short - and the bride and groom along with their families looked ever so happy.
This was followed by a reception at the local cricket grounds under a marquee (or tent as we call it in the States). The party had worked hard to make it look lovely all purples and greens. Pimms and lemonade were served as you entered, and small tidbits of food were passed around.
Then dinner was served and people were very happy with their salmon or chicken, and the wine flowed from that point on for hours. It's quite the tradition to get a bit sloshed, I think, based on my past and current experiences.
Roy and I drank a reasonable amount of wine and beer...but much of the time you could find us on the dance floor. We knew we had to drive at least a mile or two to get to the hotel, so we didn't want to be under the influence as we did so.
It was a blast to see all the people in their various styles. I was one of the few younger ones in a hat, but got tons of compliments on it....which made me very pleased (internally I was very smug...bad, Liane, bad!). The music was perfect for us all to dance. The drink flowed at the perfect pace. And food was solid and yummy.
It was a great country wedding, in a gorgeous location. And as we stepped outside to get to our car, and we looked up, there were thousands of stars to be seen. Something we miss in our lives in London. And after we woke up to a lovely Sunday morning, with a view to the hills, we vowed that we MUST go to the country at least once every summer...if only to gaze at stars and rolling hills...
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