27 April 2006

Quote of the Day

"Are we living in captivity or in the wild?" It was a quote that came up today at lunch (work). We have quite interesting conversations usually about all sorts of topics and we were discussing this topic about captive animals versus those in the wild...and then the quote came up. And it got us all thinking.

Some came at it philosophically, that if we don't believe that we are captive, then we aren't. That if we are free to make choices then we are still in 'our' wild. Others talked of rules and society and the constraints we have in our lives...yes, we are captive, but perhaps it's good. And yet others talked of our souls versus our bodies. Yup, very intellectual stuff...that led to a discussion of bird flu and then of how long a bird can last with its head chopped off. Sigmund Freud, eat your heart out...we are the kings of free association!

So...whatta ya think? Are you living in the wild or are you a captive?

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