05 May 2006


R. & moi are lying in bed, as per usual, and just snuggling. L. notices that R. is rather pensive. And so she says...

L. So, what's up?
R. I'm just thinking about things.
L. Like?
R. My new job, our relationship, fears.
L. What are you scared of?
R. Well, it's not really scared, maybe concerned, maybe just checking.
L. Checking?
R. Well, I always do checks about our relationship to make sure I'm doing the right thing. You know that I love you and that I am totally committed to marrying you, but I have to do these checks. I ask myself am I doing the right thing. Yes. Do I love her. Yes. Do I want to marry her. Yes. Will we most likely have a great future. Yes. And then I'm fine.
L. Hmm. I think I "checked" about 5 times in our relationship...early on, that first January after our first argument, February of this year when I was worried that you were going to break things off and your parents were being crazy mean about things...and of course when you asked me I did it instantly. Do I think about our future? Yes. But do I question our happiness or potential? No.
R. I know it's strange, but it's something I do. But know that I do love you. I just worry about my parents and what affects they can have on our relationship.
L. Honey - we get to choose what effects they have on us...if you & I decide that your parents WON'T have an effect on us, then it won't. We hold the key here.
R. I'm still worried.
L. I know.

Until I get married to R. his parents will have a hold on him and our relationship. It's so frickin' frustrating that this won't go away. I know it will have effects for life and that's one of the things I'll have to deal with, but I feel for R. He so doesn't want to make them unhappy...but he's going to have to. Or else make both of us unhappy. Ugh!

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