18 May 2006


As you may recall, I typically love riding on buses and trains and the like. Typically. But today, my people watching came to an ugly conclusion. I got on the tube in West Hampstead as per usual, rushing to get a seat in the car up front...usually there aren't seats so if you see them, you rush to them! Ahhhh...comfort. It was especially lovely as I was wearing a pair of high heeled boots (it's cold here today...rainy and in the 50s/60s). And then I began my people watch. I've gotten quite good at being subtle about it. But today, there was no need for caution...the person I looked at first didn't seem to know that he was in a public space. Why do I think that? Well...he was picking his nose. At first, he started by rubbing the side of his nose, as if it was itchy. Not a problem, we all do that. And then the finger went in...not too far, but definitely in. And then he went to town. And played with the results. It was like a train wreck...I just couldn't look away. And just as we were reaching my stop, the finger went into the mouth.

As I gagged and left the carriage of the train, I wondered what it is about being on public transport that makes someone like that feel like he's in his own private world. Didn't he notice that there were people around. I mean, come on, I know a lot of people do pick their noses, but they do it in the privacy of their own homes...with no one else around. Ick. What are we teaching people these days?

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