28 March 2007


Some people lose weight before the wedding. I'm just losing sleep.

I don't know what's going on. I'm usually a calm, unflappable kind of person, but for some reason I seem to be having stress reactions to this wedding. It's nothing to do with R. I'm so happy to marry him and be with him forever, despite his bad habits. Actually, maybe because his bad habits make him very human that I want to marry him. I think the stress is more related to getting things done.

For example...last night we tried to print out the place cards. It did not work. Our printer wouldn't do it. Nope. Totally messed it up. So we're not sure what we're going to do. We may be able to do it one sheet at a time. But R. is supposed to go and buy a new pack of cards to try to redo these. I think I have to remind him soon as he's going for lunch. Better do it now.


Back. And this may be why I'm going so crazy. Little things like that keep popping into my head. And I have to deal with them 'RIGHT NOW', cause I worry that I'll just forget all about them and something will go wrong.

Now I recognize that if I don't have them done before I leave for the States, it won't be the end of the world - I'll just be doing them late on Wednesday evening or something like that. But I'd like to have it done sooner rather than later. In this period of time, I am fighting my procrastinating instincts (actually I'm hiding the instinct to just stay in bed with my head under the duvet)...

I will be fine. I know I will. And I may try to sleep in tomorrow...as I don't have class in the morning...we'll see.


Lindy said...

It will be fine. Take a deep breath and try to enjoy it.

Carrie said...

Remember that while it is the Big Day, it is only one day. Anything that goes wrong will be something to laugh over in the years to come.

UKYankee said...

Thanks to both of you!

Carrie said...

Huggs and kisses for your big day! I'll be thinking about you and wishing you the best