27 November 2006

The holiday season is a comin'

So I surived my first day back at work after the holiday. I have to say, getting up was VERY difficult. All I wanted was to just stay under the duvet and snuggle up with R. But alas, I couldn't do it.

The weekend was such a ton of fun. There were parties, hockey matches, lots of wine and much sleep. Bliss.

Now I can't complain (though I'm sure I will) over the next three weeks as I'll be getting another holiday starting on the 15th of December. We have a half-day at work and then I'll be heading out to the airport to head back to the States.

My first week back in PA is almost fully booked. I arrive on Friday night. Saturday morning I have a manicure (nooooo complaints there), then my bridal shower. It'll be a load of fun - my sis-in-law is hosting it at a 'tea room'...oh, so very British, my dear. Then Sunday will be filled with going shopping (crazy pre-Christmas danger). Monday through Thursday is just filled with appointments for florists, hair, Indian wedding dress shopping, DJ, photographer...as I told my step-mom, I will be in need of much wine. MUCH!


Anonymous said...

Have a fabulous time and a glass or five for me too!

UKYankee said...

Thanks! Having wine with my family is NEVER a problem!