02 November 2006

Stop the train...I wanna get off!

I try to get into work on time, but the train is so crowded I can't fit, so I have to take the bus and then when I get off the bus to get on the tube I discover that it's not running for the third time this week and so I have to get on another bus to get to work (which is also packed) and I wander in 10 minutes late. Yup, life is crazy right now and probably won't stop for a while. And when I get to work I look at my diary and all I see is lots of blue...a meeting at 8:35 that finished at 9:15, a meeting for 9:35, teaching at 9:55 til 11:15, another meeting around noon and then a lunch meeting. Come on people...what's up with this?

Now along side all of this, I have to prepare to write comments and figure out grades within the next week, have to work with a few psychologists, continue to teach, come up with a plan for when I'm away next week (field hockey tournament) so that the sub doesn't get cooked, go to field hockey practices (coaching), play a game on Saturday, go shopping for new heaters for our flat (we don't have central heating and our heaters broke), plan and cook dinner for some friends...on and on and on. Oh, and there's that wedding planning thing that's taken over my life.

But I suppose that if none of this was going on, I'd complain about being bored. At least my job is full of different tasks and I have things going on in my life that I do enjoy. So the silver lining is...I'm not bored.

And things are going to change a bit in the near future. Field hockey season (for the kids) is ending in about one week. Next week we go to our final tourney in Brussels from Wednesday to Saturday (I'll not be online at all during that time). And so that means I'll now have several hours to myself. I plan on getting my hair done in relaxed style. Perhaps even getting a manicure. I can go to the gym more regularly. And plan for, shop for and cook a nice meal for R. and me.

Life is crazy busy. But it does keep me going!

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