15 August 2007

If feet turn you off...don't read any further!

Today was 'make me look better before the kids return' day. So I left at 10:15am today to go get my hair cut and coloured. Yes, folks, at the ripe ol' age of 38, I have a head full of greys. It's quite sad. I have to go every 4-5 weeks to get it done. Sigh. Unfortunately, my hairdresser dyed it a bit darker than I wanted..wah! But I'll get over it. I wanted it lighter to go with my summery look I have going on (aka bleached lighter reddish brown by the sun). I'll have to attack it with lots of shampoo and red treatment to get it to where I want it. But the cut will be nice. Easy to maintain.

Then I went on to get a mani/pedi. I haven't had a pedicure since before my honeymoon. Yes, I've used a scrubbing brush on it, but no professional had gotten their hands on my tootsies in over two months. And it showed. After a lovely soak, she started in on my cuticles. Lots of gunk was removed. And then the shaving of skin. I've never seen so much skin come off my body in one fell swoop...shavings and shavings of it. Kinda turned me off I have to say. And I tend to like my feet. Then a scrubbing. At least the outcome was good - pretty dark hot pink toes with soft soled feet. Lovely.

The fun part of this experience was watching people sit on the bench outside the nail salon. The first was a woman who seemed surgically attached to her mobile phone. On and on she went. Even after she decided to remove herself from the seat, she was still on the phone, clutching her packages to her side in one hand...quite precariously I must say. Then on came the workmen. Four of them. One was a skinny sort who didn't seem to quite fit. He was there first, followed by a more hardy fellow. They both brought over their bread and, what looked like, tubs of soup. Then two more, even bigger men, arrived and pushed the poor small guy to the edge of the bench. They were hoisting up these MASSIVE sandwhiches, the like I've never seen before. Seriously. I mean HUGE. GYNORMOUS! The three bigger guys were joshing each other and pointing at various people outside the shop. I just really wanted to know what they were saying...but then it was time to go get my nails dried...and when that was done, they were gone.

I headed back home, on my way to finishing up the painting. Tomorrow I get to hang out at home...carpet for our bedroom will be delivered and installed. That will be it. Done with decorating. All to do will be cleaning and organising. Woo hoo!

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