31 August 2007

We made it!

TGIF! During my summer holiday, specific days lose their meaning. Monday? Just another day. Friday? So what the weekend is arriving...I have off today anyway! But now that I'm working, Friday means so much more.

Now don't get me wrong. I truly love what I do. I like seeing the new faces looking all interested in what I'm teaching or coaching. I like having students come to my office for the first time to talk to me about a problem. And then there is my small bunch of girl groupies who come to my office just to 'chat' at least a few times a week. I definitely love that part of my life - to be the equivalent of a young aunt for these girls...mentoring them through those teenage years.

But at the same time, it's very tiring. (Yes, I know, whine, whine) So now, Friday means that it's the last day that I have to wake up at 6:20am...at least until Monday. I get to stay up a bit later and sleep in. So it's worth looking forward to. I do love my sleep!

This weekend will be the beginning of my club field hockey season...we have a fun day of seven-a-side teams from noon to 4pm. I can't wait. And then training begins on Wednesday. It's back to hard work!!

Sunday will see me cleaning like a fiend as we get ready to put our flat on the market. Our lights are fixed, we've moved everything we can...we are ready!

Have a good weekend!

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