02 February 2007

Opening your eyes...

Almost every weekday morning, I take a train one stop. I tend to stand by the door as it's a quick two minute trip. Not worth the energy of sitting down and getting up (my poor knees!). So I tend to take notice of the things that I pass by. And some days, it gets quite interesting.

There are windows without blinds into some of the flats near the train. And there have been days where I've seen fat hairy bellies being patted, ladies with face masks & hair up, and people locked in a tight embrace. It's a small little window into someone else's world.

Other times I'll see a dog running and barking on the walkway behind the flats. I'll see a young man running in vain hope of catching the train where I'm getting off.
Graffiti all around.

A toilet seat.

Barbed wire on the fence to someone's back garden.

Glimpses of a world outside my own. A story that I can't even fathom. What do you notice on your way to another place? Or do you close your eyes to the wonders around you?

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