13 January 2006

It IS Friday the 13th!

Woke up this morning all ready to get a good day started. I had actually gotten my clothes all ready and laid out. As I'm staying at R.'s place I figured that this would make it easier on him and I also figured that he wouldn't be getting up by the time I needed to get dressed (being a touch sick the day before).

So I usually get dressed about 10 minutes before I leave - I do everything else I need beforehand and it's the last minute rush to dress adn then head out. I went to put on the sweater - and there is a stain!!! I was at R.'s so I didn't exactly have a large wardrobe at my disposal to change into. So I had to put on a jacket that I happened to have there...it doesn't exactly go with my skirts, but it's in the region. Still...what a Friday the 13th sort of thing to happen!

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