* Arrived at Heathrow and got in line (a short one for once) to go to the ticket counter. I looked at the guy who was serving us. I swear I had met him before. But figured I must be wrong. We finished with checking in our bags and he said, "Hey...have I served you before? You look familiar.". Bingo!
* Turned the wrong way while trying to find a pizza joint. Got a bit lost in downtown NYC. But in doing so found R. a few pairs of Levi 501s...2 pairs for less than the price of one in London. And I got to wander around Sephora.
* Finally found our way to Greenwhich Village/Soho area & found John's Pizzaria. Soooo good. Definitely go if you are anywhere near Bleeker St. Mmmm. Even bought the cool black & red women's tee.
* Keen's Steakhouse. Try it. Great steak & cool atmosphere. Less than we thought it would be (though not cheap either).
* Driving through the flood waters to get to Pennsylvania. Glad daddy was driving and not me. We did make it. And there isn't a flood. But it was close and a lot of roads are still closed. The bridge at the end of our road is out...but luckily we can go the opposite direction.
* GOT MY ENGAGEMENT RING! It's simple, small and pefectly formed. It's an 18K white gold band with a small tension set diamond. The diamond is a very good one. Love the sparkle! The magpie in me is quite pleased. R's credit card is quite pleased that I didn't do too much damage.
* Hanging with the fam. My brother & sister-in-law were evacuated so they stayed here with us. Luckily dad & step-mom have a big home. Poor R. was given a family quiz. He got an 'A' though! The fam is impressed!
So, we're off to shop in a bit. Think the roads may be open to do so. Woohoo! More later...
29 June 2006
28 June 2006
The Flood
Can't write much at this time...on my dad's Mac (hate them...can't do as much with this one). We had a good time in NYC even with the rain...and then arrived in PA to the potential of floods...and there have been evacuations. I've never seen such rain in my life. It's crazy! My dad was pumping out the basement between 9:30pm and 4am...and up again at 6am to check on it. Luckily the crazy rain has stopped (just a shower here & there)...but we have to wait and see if the water will top the levees in the area...and many roads are closed. Wow. Puts a damper on things for sure!
Will write more later.
Can't write much at this time...on my dad's Mac (hate them...can't do as much with this one). We had a good time in NYC even with the rain...and then arrived in PA to the potential of floods...and there have been evacuations. I've never seen such rain in my life. It's crazy! My dad was pumping out the basement between 9:30pm and 4am...and up again at 6am to check on it. Luckily the crazy rain has stopped (just a shower here & there)...but we have to wait and see if the water will top the levees in the area...and many roads are closed. Wow. Puts a damper on things for sure!
Will write more later.
23 June 2006
So excited! So very excited! Less than 24 hours to go until I leave the UK for New York City! I haven't been back to the States for over a year and can't wait to be back. I love living over here but there are a few things that I do miss (though not enough to move back):
So excited! So very excited! Less than 24 hours to go until I leave the UK for New York City! I haven't been back to the States for over a year and can't wait to be back. I love living over here but there are a few things that I do miss (though not enough to move back):
- My family - while I've never been a homebody & my family is spread all over the place, it will be absolutely wonderful to see them all
- My friends - I haven't seen a few of them in over 2 years...can't wait! And I have to say that it's a testimony to all of us that we've kept some of these friendships going.
- My dog - I truly miss Amber. She's the cutest big ol' lab...I'll take pics when I go home to post them.
- Mexican food - you just can't get a really good bit of Mexican or even a terrific burrito.
- Maine lobster
- Pierogies - again, you just can't get them easily. I guess I could more easily get to Poland from here...but still!
- The rolling hills of PA - in the summer, there is such green that it's gorgeous
The "Happy Happy Joy Joy" song is still being sung in my household (particularly by R.) and packing has begun. We've printed out all our reservations, found our passports & drivers licenses, saved up our dosh....yup, we're ready to get a move on it. USA - here I come! Watch out NYC!
21 June 2006
Happy 100th!
Like many little girls, I wrote in journals. I think there has to be a few of my old ones, from youth to young adulthood, up in the attic of my childhood home. I never really wrote more than a few at a time, which I think is a shame. I wish I could go back and get a better glimpse of what my life was at that time. The thing about growing older is that you start to lose some of your memories about your youth. There are small glimmers from high school, but so many less than I would have thought. I wish that I had wrote more about my thoughts back would have helped me quite a bit in my current role.
And quite honestly, that's one reason I decided to begin this blog. I didn't want to lose out entirely on my first few years in London. I have already forgotten the beginning fears and angers and joys of my first year here, but at least I'll always have something down on the rest of my life here. And I'll be very proud of myself if I can keep it up!
I've moved a bit toward writing about more than life in Britian and have written about other things, but I think that just reflects on my state of mind at the time or what I'm being exposed to. I think it'll make an interesting read in a few years. And if I have the 'luck' of having others read my blog and getting even a smidge of pleasure from it, then even better!
So, here I am, on my 100th posting. Not bad for a slacker like me.
Like many little girls, I wrote in journals. I think there has to be a few of my old ones, from youth to young adulthood, up in the attic of my childhood home. I never really wrote more than a few at a time, which I think is a shame. I wish I could go back and get a better glimpse of what my life was at that time. The thing about growing older is that you start to lose some of your memories about your youth. There are small glimmers from high school, but so many less than I would have thought. I wish that I had wrote more about my thoughts back would have helped me quite a bit in my current role.
And quite honestly, that's one reason I decided to begin this blog. I didn't want to lose out entirely on my first few years in London. I have already forgotten the beginning fears and angers and joys of my first year here, but at least I'll always have something down on the rest of my life here. And I'll be very proud of myself if I can keep it up!
I've moved a bit toward writing about more than life in Britian and have written about other things, but I think that just reflects on my state of mind at the time or what I'm being exposed to. I think it'll make an interesting read in a few years. And if I have the 'luck' of having others read my blog and getting even a smidge of pleasure from it, then even better!
So, here I am, on my 100th posting. Not bad for a slacker like me.
19 June 2006
In My Mind's Eye...
So - how's "No Fat Talk Week" going for you? I have stopped myself from talking abotu my body several times. It's bringing to mind just how much I focus on my body. And I'm hoping that it's going to get better as the week goes on. Perhaps some time in the future, I'll focus more on how my brain is working...believe me, as you get older it's something to truly think about!
In London, it's a law that you cannot ride your bike on the sidewalk. And most people don't have a problem with this law. And I don't mind the odd kid on the sidewalk as it scares me to see them on the busy streets. But today, on my way back home from grocery shopping, a guy, about my age or so, decided he needed to ride his bike on our crowded sidewalks. And he wasn't weaving in and out, trying to get our of OUR was expecting people to move for him. And people did.
Now, I see myself as a kind, compassionate, caring person. I do the right thing toward people. I love my fellow man (especially R!). But right as the guy passed by me on the road side of the sidewalk, I wanted to push him into traffic. Yes, me, a nice girl, a caring mentor, could literally envision myself pushing his lame arse off the bike, onto the road, and could see him get squooshed like the cockroach that he was.
I am not a mean person. But man, sidewalk-rage really hit today.
So - how's "No Fat Talk Week" going for you? I have stopped myself from talking abotu my body several times. It's bringing to mind just how much I focus on my body. And I'm hoping that it's going to get better as the week goes on. Perhaps some time in the future, I'll focus more on how my brain is working...believe me, as you get older it's something to truly think about!
In London, it's a law that you cannot ride your bike on the sidewalk. And most people don't have a problem with this law. And I don't mind the odd kid on the sidewalk as it scares me to see them on the busy streets. But today, on my way back home from grocery shopping, a guy, about my age or so, decided he needed to ride his bike on our crowded sidewalks. And he wasn't weaving in and out, trying to get our of OUR was expecting people to move for him. And people did.
Now, I see myself as a kind, compassionate, caring person. I do the right thing toward people. I love my fellow man (especially R!). But right as the guy passed by me on the road side of the sidewalk, I wanted to push him into traffic. Yes, me, a nice girl, a caring mentor, could literally envision myself pushing his lame arse off the bike, onto the road, and could see him get squooshed like the cockroach that he was.
I am not a mean person. But man, sidewalk-rage really hit today.
The Travel Bug
Five more days!!! Only five more days and I'll be on my way to the States. I am so excited to be heading away with R. And just as excited to see my family.
Last night I called my brother's place as I knew my dad would be there. "Happy Father's Day" and all that had to be said...but I also got to talk to my bro, my step-mom and my wonderful sis-in-law. It reminded me of who I had left behind. Not enough for me to want to move back to small town PA, but enough to REALLY, REALLY get me excited about coming over for a visit!
So the visit will go as follows:
A few days on our own in NYC. I haven't been there in ages. In fact that last time I went I was there for a job interview. Not exactly a visit. And R. has never been (well, he's never been to the States). So, we're going to go and see the Empire States Building, take the hop-on-hop-off bus all over the place and ride the ferry to Lady Liberty & Ellis Island. And of course, we'll do a lot of eating, walking around and window shopping! Then my step-mom and dad will show up to join us one night for dinner and a bit of touring around before taking us back to PA.
In Pa we'll do the ring & clothing shopping as well as seeing family and friends. I'm sure there will be stories galore!
Off to Boston for lobster, then my cousin's place on the beach in DE, followed by friends and fun in DC. A plane ride to Denver where my bestest of all friends live, Jnet, to go hiking, spa-ing and more food & fun.
Then finally the family in Albuquerque. Yup - LOTS of family.
So - in 5 days I'll be heading toward an adventure of family & friends, food & shops...and I'll try my best to keep y'all up to date. Cause there's gotta be a bunch of stories to tell. And at the least, it will be a record for me to remember - R's first visit to my home. Hopefully one we'll take for many years in the future.
Five more days!!! Only five more days and I'll be on my way to the States. I am so excited to be heading away with R. And just as excited to see my family.
Last night I called my brother's place as I knew my dad would be there. "Happy Father's Day" and all that had to be said...but I also got to talk to my bro, my step-mom and my wonderful sis-in-law. It reminded me of who I had left behind. Not enough for me to want to move back to small town PA, but enough to REALLY, REALLY get me excited about coming over for a visit!
So the visit will go as follows:
A few days on our own in NYC. I haven't been there in ages. In fact that last time I went I was there for a job interview. Not exactly a visit. And R. has never been (well, he's never been to the States). So, we're going to go and see the Empire States Building, take the hop-on-hop-off bus all over the place and ride the ferry to Lady Liberty & Ellis Island. And of course, we'll do a lot of eating, walking around and window shopping! Then my step-mom and dad will show up to join us one night for dinner and a bit of touring around before taking us back to PA.
In Pa we'll do the ring & clothing shopping as well as seeing family and friends. I'm sure there will be stories galore!
Off to Boston for lobster, then my cousin's place on the beach in DE, followed by friends and fun in DC. A plane ride to Denver where my bestest of all friends live, Jnet, to go hiking, spa-ing and more food & fun.
Then finally the family in Albuquerque. Yup - LOTS of family.
So - in 5 days I'll be heading toward an adventure of family & friends, food & shops...and I'll try my best to keep y'all up to date. Cause there's gotta be a bunch of stories to tell. And at the least, it will be a record for me to remember - R's first visit to my home. Hopefully one we'll take for many years in the future.
18 June 2006
Summer Begins
Done and dusted. Finito. Au revoir. We are finished!
Yes, I am now a lady of leisure. Graduation happened on Friday and so I have off 2 months. According to R., I am now his "housewife" which means the place will stay all nice and clean and he'll get lovely funky meals. As much as I hate to make him right...he is - I will spend more time cleaning and I'll have a blast finding new & fun recipes to try.
So now come the stories of 2 months from work...well, at least 2 months from going into work. I got a grant to develop a curriculum using a new technology so I will spend some time doing that...but not until after my trip to the US (which is only 6 days away!!!!). Hope to take lots of pictures, check out small museums & shops and explore areas of London that I haven't seen before (while still staying safe, of course).
So...hope to keep up with the blog as much as I did during the school time...but will probably have a few days off (particularly over my trip)...but also hope that each blog will be more interesting to read!
Done and dusted. Finito. Au revoir. We are finished!
Yes, I am now a lady of leisure. Graduation happened on Friday and so I have off 2 months. According to R., I am now his "housewife" which means the place will stay all nice and clean and he'll get lovely funky meals. As much as I hate to make him right...he is - I will spend more time cleaning and I'll have a blast finding new & fun recipes to try.
So now come the stories of 2 months from work...well, at least 2 months from going into work. I got a grant to develop a curriculum using a new technology so I will spend some time doing that...but not until after my trip to the US (which is only 6 days away!!!!). Hope to take lots of pictures, check out small museums & shops and explore areas of London that I haven't seen before (while still staying safe, of course).
So...hope to keep up with the blog as much as I did during the school time...but will probably have a few days off (particularly over my trip)...but also hope that each blog will be more interesting to read!
15 June 2006
Thanks to a discussion on the Grrlgenius site about women and girls and their focus on being pretty - which leads to very unhealthy things - I have decided to start a movement in which next week will be declared "No Fat Talk Week".
So, what's the focus of the week? It's to give yourself positive self-talk. We all know about how we focus on what's wrong with ourselves...well, this week we focus on our positives! I love my muscles and I'm a smart & interesting chick! Positive! We won't mention that eating something was "bad" or that we were "good" this week because we ate all the things we're 'supposed to' or cause we went to the gym. We are to tell at least one person a day why we think they are amazing - cause they are sweet, smart, lovely - especially a young man or woman.
Let's make this a great week - if we can all focus on our other qualities, then perhaps the media will understand that we are multi-faceted and that we want more than a cute girl up on the screen or in print. I want to hear about the smart actresses, the ones who have bodies that haven't been starved.
And let's put out a shout out to those thin women who are there naturally - like my mum - who are told to feel badly about theirselves too...they don't truly have it easier (my mum was constantly asked if she was anorexic and she ate more than moi!). Let's appreciate everyone for who they are as a person. EVERYONE!
And have a great week next week...I'll be reminding you!
So, what's the focus of the week? It's to give yourself positive self-talk. We all know about how we focus on what's wrong with ourselves...well, this week we focus on our positives! I love my muscles and I'm a smart & interesting chick! Positive! We won't mention that eating something was "bad" or that we were "good" this week because we ate all the things we're 'supposed to' or cause we went to the gym. We are to tell at least one person a day why we think they are amazing - cause they are sweet, smart, lovely - especially a young man or woman.
Let's make this a great week - if we can all focus on our other qualities, then perhaps the media will understand that we are multi-faceted and that we want more than a cute girl up on the screen or in print. I want to hear about the smart actresses, the ones who have bodies that haven't been starved.
And let's put out a shout out to those thin women who are there naturally - like my mum - who are told to feel badly about theirselves too...they don't truly have it easier (my mum was constantly asked if she was anorexic and she ate more than moi!). Let's appreciate everyone for who they are as a person. EVERYONE!
And have a great week next week...I'll be reminding you!
14 June 2006
I had the best idea for a post while lying in bed last night. It was going to be awesome, something I would want to go back and read again (like everything on here, of course! hee hee). It flitted in and out of my consciousness, striking me with its brilliance. I was sure that I'd remember today. I was sure that it was such an amazing idea that there was no way I'd forget. I didn't recall the power of my mind, or lack thereof. Yes, folks, it's gone. Done and dusted. And like all night time has trickled away. Perhaps somewhere my subconscious will bring it back another day. But until then...a sad memory.
It's something I've kinda got used to, so I should have known better. I'm always being told that memory is lost as you age, and to be frank, I'm screwed. If confronted with having to remember a name, it's gone - even if it's having to introduce my best friend since I was 7. Being told about a meeting and not having paper is an absolute nightmare to me - by the time I walk to my office, not only will I forget when it is but also it's existence. Sigh. I have more paper on me than one ought - but it keeps my life in tow. And if I ever lose my diary (calendar), then I will be lost...adrift. Just leaving it at home makes me squirm.
So the lesson is - write ideas down, let my future spouse know that he needs to introduce himself and never, ever, lose my diary!
I had the best idea for a post while lying in bed last night. It was going to be awesome, something I would want to go back and read again (like everything on here, of course! hee hee). It flitted in and out of my consciousness, striking me with its brilliance. I was sure that I'd remember today. I was sure that it was such an amazing idea that there was no way I'd forget. I didn't recall the power of my mind, or lack thereof. Yes, folks, it's gone. Done and dusted. And like all night time has trickled away. Perhaps somewhere my subconscious will bring it back another day. But until then...a sad memory.
It's something I've kinda got used to, so I should have known better. I'm always being told that memory is lost as you age, and to be frank, I'm screwed. If confronted with having to remember a name, it's gone - even if it's having to introduce my best friend since I was 7. Being told about a meeting and not having paper is an absolute nightmare to me - by the time I walk to my office, not only will I forget when it is but also it's existence. Sigh. I have more paper on me than one ought - but it keeps my life in tow. And if I ever lose my diary (calendar), then I will be lost...adrift. Just leaving it at home makes me squirm.
So the lesson is - write ideas down, let my future spouse know that he needs to introduce himself and never, ever, lose my diary!
13 June 2006
The Gift
I just received a note and a present from a student today. The present was lovely - a scarf - but it was the note that struck me. It's one of those things tha tremind you why you took on a job that pays so little. It's the kinda note that makes you think that perhaps you are in the right field and doing some good things. That someone has benefitted from all the work you try to do.
It was a note that brought tears to my eyes - no champagne or gift certificate every has the power to do that.
Every year, in my field, you reassess what you are doing. You question your worth & your abilities. And if you get just ONE response such as this note, then you think, "Yup, this year has gone well." Feedback from a boss or peer is wonderful & needed...but from a kid is so much more insightful and meaningful.
I just received a note and a present from a student today. The present was lovely - a scarf - but it was the note that struck me. It's one of those things tha tremind you why you took on a job that pays so little. It's the kinda note that makes you think that perhaps you are in the right field and doing some good things. That someone has benefitted from all the work you try to do.
It was a note that brought tears to my eyes - no champagne or gift certificate every has the power to do that.
Every year, in my field, you reassess what you are doing. You question your worth & your abilities. And if you get just ONE response such as this note, then you think, "Yup, this year has gone well." Feedback from a boss or peer is wonderful & needed...but from a kid is so much more insightful and meaningful.
12 June 2006
Put Your Pencils Down...Now
Do you remember sitting in a classroom, paper in front of you, waiting with pencil in hand, teaching standing over you and you hear the words, "And now...begin."? It's now exam time here and students are finishing up with their tests tomorrow (some last week, some today, but everyone by tomorrow) and after doing some proctoring, boy, have the memories flown back.
French III - knowing that I just hadn't done enough of the work all year long and studying was a futile attempt for that exam. I almost cried that day. I did okay...but barely. Not my most proud moment.
Chemistry - I was a science person at this point. I just 'got' Chem. Not worried in the least. But it was still tough. Happily got an 'A'.
World History - I was going to be fine as long as they didn't ask about capitols. They did. Not pretty.
I'll admit it though...I was a good student. Could have been better if I had put more work in, but I didn't see the point. I did enough to get myself into an Ivy League school through playing field hockey, getting a great SAT 'grade' and doing well enough in most of my classes (French being my only tough grade). I wasn't a partier but loved my sleep (10pm baby...just like now!) and books for fun were much better than textbooks. I think I read The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe more times than I can remember just so that I wouldn't have to study - if my parents saw me doing something, they never said a word. But I did the work necessary and did well. And yes, my friends hated the fact that I rarely stayed up past 11pm or needed to.
Ah, yes, exam time. The thing we all dreaded...but knew at least that it meant that vacation was only a few more days away.
Do you remember sitting in a classroom, paper in front of you, waiting with pencil in hand, teaching standing over you and you hear the words, "And now...begin."? It's now exam time here and students are finishing up with their tests tomorrow (some last week, some today, but everyone by tomorrow) and after doing some proctoring, boy, have the memories flown back.
French III - knowing that I just hadn't done enough of the work all year long and studying was a futile attempt for that exam. I almost cried that day. I did okay...but barely. Not my most proud moment.
Chemistry - I was a science person at this point. I just 'got' Chem. Not worried in the least. But it was still tough. Happily got an 'A'.
World History - I was going to be fine as long as they didn't ask about capitols. They did. Not pretty.
I'll admit it though...I was a good student. Could have been better if I had put more work in, but I didn't see the point. I did enough to get myself into an Ivy League school through playing field hockey, getting a great SAT 'grade' and doing well enough in most of my classes (French being my only tough grade). I wasn't a partier but loved my sleep (10pm baby...just like now!) and books for fun were much better than textbooks. I think I read The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe more times than I can remember just so that I wouldn't have to study - if my parents saw me doing something, they never said a word. But I did the work necessary and did well. And yes, my friends hated the fact that I rarely stayed up past 11pm or needed to.
Ah, yes, exam time. The thing we all dreaded...but knew at least that it meant that vacation was only a few more days away.
09 June 2006
Today is the first day of the World Cup. Living in England, you just couldn't miss it. Every few minutes on the news there is some item about it...the papers all have a story on the front cover...England flags (St George's) are flying EVERYWHERE...
and I even got a funny email from a friend about it (The Ignorant American's Guide to the World Cup June 6, 2006).
I will be supporting the US as well as England as they are my two homes. I fear that neither will do so hot - the US being in a very competitive section and England having many, many injuries. I don't really care so much about the games, but as I am in the midst of hysteria, I figure I might as well join in. And tonight is the first England game, so I'll be watching that at home with the 'hubby'.
So, check it out. Even if you don't like football (soccer), it's an interesting event - countries coming together to try to beat one another...and their fans trying to beat one another! ;-)
Today is the first day of the World Cup. Living in England, you just couldn't miss it. Every few minutes on the news there is some item about it...the papers all have a story on the front cover...England flags (St George's) are flying EVERYWHERE...

I will be supporting the US as well as England as they are my two homes. I fear that neither will do so hot - the US being in a very competitive section and England having many, many injuries. I don't really care so much about the games, but as I am in the midst of hysteria, I figure I might as well join in. And tonight is the first England game, so I'll be watching that at home with the 'hubby'.
So, check it out. Even if you don't like football (soccer), it's an interesting event - countries coming together to try to beat one another...and their fans trying to beat one another! ;-)
08 June 2006
Yesterday was our last day of classes. We now have exams to give. Normally, you give your exam on one day...but I have all sorts of kids who need to take it on other days. So this morning I'm giving an exam to one kid, another is taking it in the afternoon and the real exam is happening tomorrow, followed by one or two on Tuesday. So much fun. And what it means is that I had to make THREE different exams so that no one could cheat. But no one knows who is taking what exam when - yup, I'm being the 'evil teacher' and mixing it up. So tomorrow, there may be kids taking 3 different types of exams. Hehe! (As a student I think I would have appreciated my minor evilness...).
So this means that school is almost over. The countdown to graduation is upon us...on Friday, June 16 at this time, graduation will begin. And by noon, I'll be a free woman for approximately 8 weeks!! 3 of those weeks will be spent back in the States dragging my fiance around like a crazy person, meeting all my friends and family. At least one week or two will be spent working on curriculum for an AP course (I got a grant...woohoo!). And the rest will be rest, relaxation, fun and the gym. I'd like to get a touch of tan (I'm too pale for anything else), get a bit buff (will need quite a bit of work to accomplish that!) and do some interesting reading of books that challenge my mind and perceptions. Oh, and I'd love to just go out and hang at a pub in the garden while reading these the sun. Ahhhh.
Now, you'd think that R. would be all jealous of my time off...but no! He benefits from me being free. How? I become uber housewifey - I tend to clean the flat, come up with yummy meals after perusing recipe websites and magazines, have more energy for night time fun and am generally a less stressed, more happy person (not that I'm typically stressed or unhappy, ya know). He gets the Super L. And boy does he like her! He's been talking about her for weeks - "I can't wait to get my housewife back...she rocks." (and yes, I do punch him in the arm in the name of feminism...but I truly love having the time to keep the flat looking lovely).
So - less than 1-1/2 weeks and I'm free. Time to start checking out cool pubs on the web!
Yesterday was our last day of classes. We now have exams to give. Normally, you give your exam on one day...but I have all sorts of kids who need to take it on other days. So this morning I'm giving an exam to one kid, another is taking it in the afternoon and the real exam is happening tomorrow, followed by one or two on Tuesday. So much fun. And what it means is that I had to make THREE different exams so that no one could cheat. But no one knows who is taking what exam when - yup, I'm being the 'evil teacher' and mixing it up. So tomorrow, there may be kids taking 3 different types of exams. Hehe! (As a student I think I would have appreciated my minor evilness...).
So this means that school is almost over. The countdown to graduation is upon us...on Friday, June 16 at this time, graduation will begin. And by noon, I'll be a free woman for approximately 8 weeks!! 3 of those weeks will be spent back in the States dragging my fiance around like a crazy person, meeting all my friends and family. At least one week or two will be spent working on curriculum for an AP course (I got a grant...woohoo!). And the rest will be rest, relaxation, fun and the gym. I'd like to get a touch of tan (I'm too pale for anything else), get a bit buff (will need quite a bit of work to accomplish that!) and do some interesting reading of books that challenge my mind and perceptions. Oh, and I'd love to just go out and hang at a pub in the garden while reading these the sun. Ahhhh.
Now, you'd think that R. would be all jealous of my time off...but no! He benefits from me being free. How? I become uber housewifey - I tend to clean the flat, come up with yummy meals after perusing recipe websites and magazines, have more energy for night time fun and am generally a less stressed, more happy person (not that I'm typically stressed or unhappy, ya know). He gets the Super L. And boy does he like her! He's been talking about her for weeks - "I can't wait to get my housewife back...she rocks." (and yes, I do punch him in the arm in the name of feminism...but I truly love having the time to keep the flat looking lovely).
So - less than 1-1/2 weeks and I'm free. Time to start checking out cool pubs on the web!
07 June 2006
06-06-06 at 6:06:06
So the world didn't end. But it was one of 'those days' in a way. At around 6:06pm, I was stuck on a train...stuck because I got on the wrong one in my rush and ended up way out of the way. So I had to get on a train heading in the opposite direction. Unfortunately, the next train was cancelled. I was freaking out as I had to be back in order to get to the clubhouse - I was playing in a summer hockey game that night. The next train arrived at 6:50pm...and I needed to be at the club around 7:15pm...I didn't have my clothes or my hockey kit. But my lovely fiance brought it for me and met me there. And we won the game.
So the world didn't end...and the night ended in a much nicer mode than it began. But I wonder how the party in Hell, Michigan went?
On an aside...I hate deliveries. I was informed that my case of wine needs to be delivered to only a residential address...and that I can't change the delivery address, nor can they guarantee a time...other than 7am to 5pm. What the heck? and then they said they may not be able to hold the delivery until the 19th when I will actually be home. I think I'm going to cry! I want my wine!!!
So the world didn't end. But it was one of 'those days' in a way. At around 6:06pm, I was stuck on a train...stuck because I got on the wrong one in my rush and ended up way out of the way. So I had to get on a train heading in the opposite direction. Unfortunately, the next train was cancelled. I was freaking out as I had to be back in order to get to the clubhouse - I was playing in a summer hockey game that night. The next train arrived at 6:50pm...and I needed to be at the club around 7:15pm...I didn't have my clothes or my hockey kit. But my lovely fiance brought it for me and met me there. And we won the game.
So the world didn't end...and the night ended in a much nicer mode than it began. But I wonder how the party in Hell, Michigan went?
On an aside...I hate deliveries. I was informed that my case of wine needs to be delivered to only a residential address...and that I can't change the delivery address, nor can they guarantee a time...other than 7am to 5pm. What the heck? and then they said they may not be able to hold the delivery until the 19th when I will actually be home. I think I'm going to cry! I want my wine!!!
06 June 2006
To Be or What to Be?
I was looking at old pictures of myself the other day. These are pics of myself at age 2+. I had short hair, a genuine smile at all times and usually with some sort of nature or animal. I tried to think back to what I wanted out of life back then and as I grew up. And it's interesting to recall...
Age 4 - I wanted to be a fireman. Or a boy. I was the epitome of a tomboy and all I wanted was to be a boy or at least be able to act like one. My poor mom despaired at ever getting me through a day in a dress without it getting ripped or stained. I lived in knee patched jeans most of my youth.
Age 7 - I decided that being a boy would still be better but realized that I didn't have a chance at that vocation. So instead I was going to be a cowgirl. There are pictures all over of me in my cowgirl suit...evil cap guns included (my parents were anti-gun but my grandma gave these cap guns to me as a pressie and they had a healthy fear of her).
Age 14 - I took my first biology class and decided that my life was meant to be spent on the ocean. I would study whales or plankton or something like that. Yup, an oceanography or marine biologist was the way to go.
Age 15 - I declared in Health class that I neither wanted to get married nor have kids. Didn't see the point in either. Husbands and babies would just slow me down. The husband thing didn't stick once I kissed my first boy (I was a LATE bloomer) but the baby thing is still in debate even at age 37.
Age 18 - Going to college. Still interested in biology as a potential, but I've also taken a psychology course. My dad is a psychologist and taught the course, so one would think I'd be anti-psychology, but I am and will always be daddy's little girl. Hmm...biology or psychology...or both?
Age 20 - need to declare a major in college during your sophomore year. After being placed in advanced biology during my freshman year by my clueless advisor (it was filled with hundreds of pre-med type sophomores) and almost failing it, I decide psychology is the major for me. What to do with it? Who knows...but I love the stuff.
And the interest continued in a variety of different directions. And now in the coolest job ever (which I won't really ever talk about for several reasons), I can happily say that I did check out all sorts of possibilities even in my adult life and so feel good about where I am. And I could still change my mind some day and try something new...even R. will support me in that (which is one reason to change my mind about husbands...he'll never hold me back!).
I was looking at old pictures of myself the other day. These are pics of myself at age 2+. I had short hair, a genuine smile at all times and usually with some sort of nature or animal. I tried to think back to what I wanted out of life back then and as I grew up. And it's interesting to recall...
Age 4 - I wanted to be a fireman. Or a boy. I was the epitome of a tomboy and all I wanted was to be a boy or at least be able to act like one. My poor mom despaired at ever getting me through a day in a dress without it getting ripped or stained. I lived in knee patched jeans most of my youth.
Age 7 - I decided that being a boy would still be better but realized that I didn't have a chance at that vocation. So instead I was going to be a cowgirl. There are pictures all over of me in my cowgirl suit...evil cap guns included (my parents were anti-gun but my grandma gave these cap guns to me as a pressie and they had a healthy fear of her).
Age 14 - I took my first biology class and decided that my life was meant to be spent on the ocean. I would study whales or plankton or something like that. Yup, an oceanography or marine biologist was the way to go.
Age 15 - I declared in Health class that I neither wanted to get married nor have kids. Didn't see the point in either. Husbands and babies would just slow me down. The husband thing didn't stick once I kissed my first boy (I was a LATE bloomer) but the baby thing is still in debate even at age 37.
Age 18 - Going to college. Still interested in biology as a potential, but I've also taken a psychology course. My dad is a psychologist and taught the course, so one would think I'd be anti-psychology, but I am and will always be daddy's little girl. Hmm...biology or psychology...or both?
Age 20 - need to declare a major in college during your sophomore year. After being placed in advanced biology during my freshman year by my clueless advisor (it was filled with hundreds of pre-med type sophomores) and almost failing it, I decide psychology is the major for me. What to do with it? Who knows...but I love the stuff.
And the interest continued in a variety of different directions. And now in the coolest job ever (which I won't really ever talk about for several reasons), I can happily say that I did check out all sorts of possibilities even in my adult life and so feel good about where I am. And I could still change my mind some day and try something new...even R. will support me in that (which is one reason to change my mind about husbands...he'll never hold me back!).
05 June 2006
Rules for a Sunday Night
Sundays ought to be about relaxing. Especially Sunday night! You know you have to go to wake up early the next day (boo!) and that a lack of sleep will effect you the rest of the week (sigh). So what happened last night? UGH! Serious talk. Yes, serious talk. Something that should never, ever happen on a Sunday night.
We had just finished watching Lost (the one where they show how the group from the other side came to be how they are) and R. asked me if I was "feeling sexy", which is our special code for 'you know what'. I was, but was hoping for a lovely nice quick sort of thing. But no, he decides to ask for something a bit different. Something I wasn't particularly comfy with. But I wanted to think about it while kissing. Then I decided, no, this wasn't the time - cause it's Sunday night and I would rather have more time to get comfy with the idea of 'something different'. Then he has to suggest something that he KNOWS makes me feel uncomfortable - it wasn't something different but something we've done before. And he knows how I feel about it. UGH. So, me saying "NO!" ruins the mood and he gets all upset about this which then makes me all upset...we both can't fall asleep so we have to have a frickin' SERIOUS TALK. Which should NOT HAPPEN ON A SUNDAY NIGHT. It's midnight, neither of us can really sleep well, we both have to get up at 6:30am and neither of us get a good full night of sleep.
So, here's the future rules for Sunday(cause I am the rule maker in the family - and believe me, that was just a snarky remark):
1. No asking for unusual or potentially uncomfortable sexual favours unless you are willing to ask for them around 8pm, so that the person asked can either get more comfortable about them, or can say 'no' while out of bed & thus it's less awkward and sexually castrating.
2. No serious conversations should take place after dinner on Sunday. That way we can get it out & then have our minds free for a good night's sleep.
3. When in doubt, just go for comfort sex on Sundays. Helps you sleep, makes a nice connection and everyone is happy!
As for the rest of the weekend...had a blast!
Friday night - met up with A. & another friend. We went to Salvador & Amanda, a wonderful tapas restaurant. We drank white sangria & ate way too much food. Yummy. Met up with R & his friends at the end of the night. A great time for all!
Saturday - spent the day walking, shopping for costumes (more on that later) , grading papers & sitting in the sun at the Hampstead Cricket club. It was finally a nice day! That evening was the "Bad Taste" party at the club - I dressed as a pregnant chav (so crop top & short skirt with belly showing...pillow & all) & I got R. the loudest shirt I could find. Charity shops are great for such party items!
Sunday - relaxed in the morning and then R & I went to see Middlesex play in a cricket match at Lords Cricket Grounds. Again, a nice day. And very relaxing. You sit, you drink a drink, you eat some junk and you watch a bit of cricket. It was nice. And then we went home...the rest is history.
Sundays ought to be about relaxing. Especially Sunday night! You know you have to go to wake up early the next day (boo!) and that a lack of sleep will effect you the rest of the week (sigh). So what happened last night? UGH! Serious talk. Yes, serious talk. Something that should never, ever happen on a Sunday night.
We had just finished watching Lost (the one where they show how the group from the other side came to be how they are) and R. asked me if I was "feeling sexy", which is our special code for 'you know what'. I was, but was hoping for a lovely nice quick sort of thing. But no, he decides to ask for something a bit different. Something I wasn't particularly comfy with. But I wanted to think about it while kissing. Then I decided, no, this wasn't the time - cause it's Sunday night and I would rather have more time to get comfy with the idea of 'something different'. Then he has to suggest something that he KNOWS makes me feel uncomfortable - it wasn't something different but something we've done before. And he knows how I feel about it. UGH. So, me saying "NO!" ruins the mood and he gets all upset about this which then makes me all upset...we both can't fall asleep so we have to have a frickin' SERIOUS TALK. Which should NOT HAPPEN ON A SUNDAY NIGHT. It's midnight, neither of us can really sleep well, we both have to get up at 6:30am and neither of us get a good full night of sleep.
So, here's the future rules for Sunday(cause I am the rule maker in the family - and believe me, that was just a snarky remark):
1. No asking for unusual or potentially uncomfortable sexual favours unless you are willing to ask for them around 8pm, so that the person asked can either get more comfortable about them, or can say 'no' while out of bed & thus it's less awkward and sexually castrating.
2. No serious conversations should take place after dinner on Sunday. That way we can get it out & then have our minds free for a good night's sleep.
3. When in doubt, just go for comfort sex on Sundays. Helps you sleep, makes a nice connection and everyone is happy!
As for the rest of the weekend...had a blast!
Friday night - met up with A. & another friend. We went to Salvador & Amanda, a wonderful tapas restaurant. We drank white sangria & ate way too much food. Yummy. Met up with R & his friends at the end of the night. A great time for all!
Saturday - spent the day walking, shopping for costumes (more on that later) , grading papers & sitting in the sun at the Hampstead Cricket club. It was finally a nice day! That evening was the "Bad Taste" party at the club - I dressed as a pregnant chav (so crop top & short skirt with belly showing...pillow & all) & I got R. the loudest shirt I could find. Charity shops are great for such party items!
Sunday - relaxed in the morning and then R & I went to see Middlesex play in a cricket match at Lords Cricket Grounds. Again, a nice day. And very relaxing. You sit, you drink a drink, you eat some junk and you watch a bit of cricket. It was nice. And then we went home...the rest is history.
02 June 2006
Date Night
Recently, R & I have been homebodies. We have found a couple of shows we enjoy watching and we've made it a mission to get home in time to watch them. Last week, we decided that our lives ought not be ruled by Invasion or Lost (I know they are over in the States...we get them later here in England) with the one exception being an Arsenal game (in the future). So we have begun to tape the shows and try to have nights OUT!
Last night was our first 'date night' in a while. Instead of coming home and changing into our pj's and sitting around watching t.v. or reading or playing on the internet, we stayed in our grown-up clothing and went out to dinner. I have to say that R. looked very HOT! He was wearing his black suit with a pink/red stripe shirt. Yummy! I went with cute and wore a black knee length peasant skirt and a black with embroidered flower shirt...with my hair back but still down...sorta a romantic look with my curls.
We went to an Italian restaurant that has only been open about 1 year. I discovered it soon after it opened and have gone a few times but never with Roy. They make the BEST pizza crusts I've had...light yet with substance, thin and slightly chewy. MMMMMM! I had a calzone and R. had an Americano (with pepperoni) pizza. Sheer delight. We then tried an Italian white wine (red doesn't work well with my bod for some reason) which tasted like honey & melon. We talked about our plans, we made fun of each other and R sweetly kissed my hand several times. It was very romantic...something we had needed to inject into our relationship.
On the way home, we both remarked that it had been a nice evening and that we have to do it more often. We then got into our pj's and cuddled. Yes, a nice night indeed.
Recently, R & I have been homebodies. We have found a couple of shows we enjoy watching and we've made it a mission to get home in time to watch them. Last week, we decided that our lives ought not be ruled by Invasion or Lost (I know they are over in the States...we get them later here in England) with the one exception being an Arsenal game (in the future). So we have begun to tape the shows and try to have nights OUT!
Last night was our first 'date night' in a while. Instead of coming home and changing into our pj's and sitting around watching t.v. or reading or playing on the internet, we stayed in our grown-up clothing and went out to dinner. I have to say that R. looked very HOT! He was wearing his black suit with a pink/red stripe shirt. Yummy! I went with cute and wore a black knee length peasant skirt and a black with embroidered flower shirt...with my hair back but still down...sorta a romantic look with my curls.
We went to an Italian restaurant that has only been open about 1 year. I discovered it soon after it opened and have gone a few times but never with Roy. They make the BEST pizza crusts I've had...light yet with substance, thin and slightly chewy. MMMMMM! I had a calzone and R. had an Americano (with pepperoni) pizza. Sheer delight. We then tried an Italian white wine (red doesn't work well with my bod for some reason) which tasted like honey & melon. We talked about our plans, we made fun of each other and R sweetly kissed my hand several times. It was very romantic...something we had needed to inject into our relationship.
On the way home, we both remarked that it had been a nice evening and that we have to do it more often. We then got into our pj's and cuddled. Yes, a nice night indeed.
01 June 2006
Summer time, and the living is...
It's June 1st. A day that I consider to be summer. Yes, June is definitely summer. And yet, I was still wearing a longish coat to work. And I'm at work. And it's not sunny. Bah!
There is a national obsession with discussing the weather in England. And now that I've been here almost 2 years, I can say that I understand why. In one day, you may get sun, rain & hail. It can be 20 degrees C (~70 F) in February and yet on the first day of June it's only supposed to be a high of 15 degrees C (~60 F). And yet, this weekend is supposed to be glorious! Sigh.
I don't mind the English weather we get in London (it's much warmer than up North). But I'm ready to wear my flip-flops. I'm ready to break out the tee-shirts to wear to work, without fear of hypothermia.
The worst thing is that my mom emails me from Albuquerque, NM and tells me about the 90 degree F temps & sunny skies. Even dad, in PA, is enjoying warmer weather than here. And they are mean, mean people for gloating about it. But then again...I'm in London and they're not. (ha)
June 1st. 2-1/2 weeks until my vacation to the States for 3 weeks. I'll probably hate how warm & humid it is and then return to the cooler London weather. And complain about that too. Oh, well...when in London, complain like a Londoner!
It's June 1st. A day that I consider to be summer. Yes, June is definitely summer. And yet, I was still wearing a longish coat to work. And I'm at work. And it's not sunny. Bah!
There is a national obsession with discussing the weather in England. And now that I've been here almost 2 years, I can say that I understand why. In one day, you may get sun, rain & hail. It can be 20 degrees C (~70 F) in February and yet on the first day of June it's only supposed to be a high of 15 degrees C (~60 F). And yet, this weekend is supposed to be glorious! Sigh.
I don't mind the English weather we get in London (it's much warmer than up North). But I'm ready to wear my flip-flops. I'm ready to break out the tee-shirts to wear to work, without fear of hypothermia.
The worst thing is that my mom emails me from Albuquerque, NM and tells me about the 90 degree F temps & sunny skies. Even dad, in PA, is enjoying warmer weather than here. And they are mean, mean people for gloating about it. But then again...I'm in London and they're not. (ha)
June 1st. 2-1/2 weeks until my vacation to the States for 3 weeks. I'll probably hate how warm & humid it is and then return to the cooler London weather. And complain about that too. Oh, well...when in London, complain like a Londoner!
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