05 June 2006

Rules for a Sunday Night

Sundays ought to be about relaxing. Especially Sunday night! You know you have to go to wake up early the next day (boo!) and that a lack of sleep will effect you the rest of the week (sigh). So what happened last night? UGH! Serious talk. Yes, serious talk. Something that should never, ever happen on a Sunday night.

We had just finished watching Lost (the one where they show how the group from the other side came to be how they are) and R. asked me if I was "feeling sexy", which is our special code for 'you know what'. I was, but was hoping for a lovely nice quick sort of thing. But no, he decides to ask for something a bit different. Something I wasn't particularly comfy with. But I wanted to think about it while kissing. Then I decided, no, this wasn't the time - cause it's Sunday night and I would rather have more time to get comfy with the idea of 'something different'. Then he has to suggest something that he KNOWS makes me feel uncomfortable - it wasn't something different but something we've done before. And he knows how I feel about it. UGH. So, me saying "NO!" ruins the mood and he gets all upset about this which then makes me all upset...we both can't fall asleep so we have to have a frickin' SERIOUS TALK. Which should NOT HAPPEN ON A SUNDAY NIGHT. It's midnight, neither of us can really sleep well, we both have to get up at 6:30am and neither of us get a good full night of sleep.

So, here's the future rules for Sunday(cause I am the rule maker in the family - and believe me, that was just a snarky remark):

1. No asking for unusual or potentially uncomfortable sexual favours unless you are willing to ask for them around 8pm, so that the person asked can either get more comfortable about them, or can say 'no' while out of bed & thus it's less awkward and sexually castrating.

2. No serious conversations should take place after dinner on Sunday. That way we can get it out & then have our minds free for a good night's sleep.

3. When in doubt, just go for comfort sex on Sundays. Helps you sleep, makes a nice connection and everyone is happy!


As for the rest of the weekend...had a blast!

Friday night - met up with A. & another friend. We went to Salvador & Amanda, a wonderful tapas restaurant. We drank white sangria & ate way too much food. Yummy. Met up with R & his friends at the end of the night. A great time for all!

Saturday - spent the day walking, shopping for costumes (more on that later) , grading papers & sitting in the sun at the Hampstead Cricket club. It was finally a nice day! That evening was the "Bad Taste" party at the club - I dressed as a pregnant chav (so crop top & short skirt with belly showing...pillow & all) & I got R. the loudest shirt I could find. Charity shops are great for such party items!

Sunday - relaxed in the morning and then R & I went to see Middlesex play in a cricket match at Lords Cricket Grounds. Again, a nice day. And very relaxing. You sit, you drink a drink, you eat some junk and you watch a bit of cricket. It was nice. And then we went home...the rest is history.

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