08 June 2006


Yesterday was our last day of classes. We now have exams to give. Normally, you give your exam on one day...but I have all sorts of kids who need to take it on other days. So this morning I'm giving an exam to one kid, another is taking it in the afternoon and the real exam is happening tomorrow, followed by one or two on Tuesday. So much fun. And what it means is that I had to make THREE different exams so that no one could cheat. But no one knows who is taking what exam when - yup, I'm being the 'evil teacher' and mixing it up. So tomorrow, there may be kids taking 3 different types of exams. Hehe! (As a student I think I would have appreciated my minor evilness...).

So this means that school is almost over. The countdown to graduation is upon us...on Friday, June 16 at this time, graduation will begin. And by noon, I'll be a free woman for approximately 8 weeks!! 3 of those weeks will be spent back in the States dragging my fiance around like a crazy person, meeting all my friends and family. At least one week or two will be spent working on curriculum for an AP course (I got a grant...woohoo!). And the rest will be rest, relaxation, fun and the gym. I'd like to get a touch of tan (I'm too pale for anything else), get a bit buff (will need quite a bit of work to accomplish that!) and do some interesting reading of books that challenge my mind and perceptions. Oh, and I'd love to just go out and hang at a pub in the garden while reading these books...in the sun. Ahhhh.

Now, you'd think that R. would be all jealous of my time off...but no! He benefits from me being free. How? I become uber housewifey - I tend to clean the flat, come up with yummy meals after perusing recipe websites and magazines, have more energy for night time fun and am generally a less stressed, more happy person (not that I'm typically stressed or unhappy, ya know). He gets the Super L. And boy does he like her! He's been talking about her for weeks - "I can't wait to get my housewife back...she rocks." (and yes, I do punch him in the arm in the name of feminism...but I truly love having the time to keep the flat looking lovely).

So - less than 1-1/2 weeks and I'm free. Time to start checking out cool pubs on the web!

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